Saturday, June 18, 2011

Rainy Day

The sound of rain on the roof is not a bad thing. The standing water that surrounds the RV is! Thank You, Lord for blacktop.
Today may be another day of no exercise, because of the rain and other factors. I'm hoping to get in a bike ride, but the way I ride isn't very aerobic!
Yesterday, I had a banana for breakfast, celery and carrots for lunch--then blew it with hot dogs and s'mores for supper.
I have picked up an attitude from a friend--"There is a quality of life issue here."--that he interjects when he wants pizza. I use it when the grandkids are with us and we cook out!
If you were to see me now, you'd think I were calm and collected. Inside, I'm screaming and anxious because I DON'T HAVE A PLAN for today!! We will probably be eating out for all 3 meals. Please pray that the choices I make will be as healthy as the menu allows.
Did I tell you this might be a long, slow process??

1 comment:

  1. Momma - you are doing great! I agree with the quality of life issue. I heard one "diet guru" say, "You can have it all, just not all at once." Meaning you can have a hamburger, fries and a shake - just not all in the same meal! And make the portions considerably smaller than what we are now used to in our fast food nation!!

    Love you! You will do great!
