Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 3

WELL!! So much for daily exercise! Because we are traveling to Illinois today, I didn't get to walk. The grandsons are going with us and so I don't think I will get a workout in for the next couple of days. Which means, I need to be extra careful in what and how much I eat.
Yesterday, went well.....until we got to the restaurant! I only had a few fries and I did get my veggies in with some saute'd spinach. My downfall was the FRIED fish sandwich, tasting Jake's mashed potatoes and the "few bites" of carrot raisin cake.
Today is a new day! I had a banana for breakfast and the rest of my day looks like this:
Lunch: carrot and celery sticks & fruit with crackers
Supper: a sandwich from Walmart and/or watermelon

We plan to overnight at a Walmart in Illinois. With the boys---this ought to be FUN! If you don't see a new post on this blog, you'll know why. Check ya later!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Candy on taking charge and making the decision to get healthy. I really miss our bible study and diet from really did work for me even when I was pregnant. I recommend a membership to the Y, lots of great classes to get you sweating.
