Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 2

200 pounds is unacceptable--so is 180 for that matter! But when I make it to 180, I will be excited. That is not to say that I will stop there. My goal is to fashion THIS weight-loss after our RV travels. I may sit somewhere for a week or so, but that is not where I want to live. This is a never-ending journey. The idea is to keep moving and to keep moving forward.
The other programs I have done had a specific time frame and when it was up I went back to eating biscuits and bacon and ice cream. While I refuse to give those things up, they are not part of my weekly plan. Moderation, in this case, means smaller portions, less often. I am also trying to remove as much animal fat from my diet as possible. Although Jake did cook the salmon in butter last night, I want to use olive oil when possible and stay away from dairy products.
Other than a hand full of licorice jelly beans, I stayed on my plan for yesterday's eating. A fruit smoothie, a turkey sandwich (actually only ate half), and salmon and veggies (onions, peppers, mushrooms and green beans). Oh--almost forgot--I had one of Jake's oatmeal raisin cookies--half after lunch and half after supper. The only things I'm drinking these days are water and coffee. I will probably lose 10 pounds just from getting off of sweet tea!
I often pray that God would cause my body to function as He intended it to. What I am realizing is that in order for that to happen, I need to feed it as He intended it to be fed. Father God, help me with that, please.

Today's exercise:
10 thrusters, 10 backward lunges, 10 "counter" pushups and 1.25 mile walk. The walk took 33 minutes. (I think someone hit the incline button on that hill! Sure seemed steeper today.)

Today's meal plan:
fruit smoothie
turkey sandwich
(supper may be a challenge because we will be eating out) salad or grilled chicken & veggies

"For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s." 1 Corinthians 6:20

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