Thursday, July 7, 2011

Woo--whoo!! The doc's scale said I've lost 5 pounds! That gives me the incentive to do at least one more 2-mile walk!
My dad used to say that his get-up-and-go had got up and went. That's how I'm feeling lately. Seems like about the time I turned 61, I lost my zip! If I exercise in the morning, I feel better all day and usually get more done. But lately, I'm having trouble making myself exercise every morning. I'm remembering a sign I once had--"Lord, give me a push!"--I need that sign right above my bed!! LOL
I also need to get a grip on why I sabotage myself every evening. I am strong (eating correctly) until about 7 or 8 and then I look for (and usually find!) something sweet. That's when I'm thankful the frig doesn't work--no ice cream!
Plan for today:
2 mile walk
cereal bar
turkey sandwich
fajitas (no rice or beans)
In proofreading, I noticed how much bread I will be eating today. I need to find a farmers' market and get some veggies and fruit! "Man cannot live by bread alone..." A gold star to anyone that can finish that quote--and give the reference!
Let's get out there and MOVE, people!

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