Monday, August 29, 2011

after 2 1/2 months

It seems my journey has been 'round and 'round the traffic circle! BTW, if I find the guy who invented those things, I would take some marbles and horseradish and a stapler and...nevermind. That's for another blog.
So, my journey is not leading me anywhere, but to self-recrimination. Good today--lose a pound! Bad today--gain 2! I see a pattern here! What I don't see is a pattern in my everyday. When I get up early, I tend to spend time with the Lord, time on the computer, time with coffee and then get moving. But, I don't always get up early. And on those days, I'm discombobulated all day! So, I think some structure and routine are necessary.
I have also noticed that I eat less and more healthful foods when I plan my meals and stick to the plan. What I have been missing on this journey, it seems, is a map. You see, I thought I could follow my nose. After all, I have been there (fit) before--I should know the way. My biggest problem is that I like to take side trips--to the bakery, to the chocolate shop, etc! I'm traveling this weight-loss road the same way we are traveling the open road--a few days here, a month over there... I keep looking for the place to get off the traffic circle so I can get on the straight and narrow! Wait a second--this isn't a traffic circle---it's a cul-de-sac! Help!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Sugar and sin

Except for the lemon meringue pie and a few bites of Jake's apple strudel...and some ice cream...and a half of a blueberry muffin...and some licorice jelly beans...and a coke, I haven't had any sugar this week! Funny how sweets sneak up on ya! What with the yogurt, salads, baked chicken and other 'healthy' fare I have been eating, I thought I was doing well. However!! when I sat down just now to record what I have been eating, I realized how many times I have given into the temptation to eat the sweet.
Just like sugar, sin creeps in while we are not watching and before you know it, you have given into one temptation, then another and another. A taste of this and a bite of that and before you know it, you are knee deep in lemon meringue pie!
The important thing is remain vigilante. It's why recording what I eat EVERYDAY is necessary. If I evaluate what I eat each day, hopefully, I will be more cognizant of the over-all picture and resist that which I couldn't resist yesterday!
So---here's to another fresh start. Thank You, Lord for forgiveness and another chance to do it right. I count ice cream as dairy... or fat...???....or...

Monday, August 1, 2011

Return to Vigilance

Perhaps I shouldn't say 'return'. I'm not so sure I have been to Vigilance. I've driven by--waved to it from Determined. I've spent a night or two in Committed. Maybe this time I'll get up enough steam to make it all the way! :)
In the past 3 weeks or so, my journey has taken a detour! I have listened to my 'insane' brain too often. I DO have a 'sane' brain, at least, I once did. You would think that I'd come across it more than once every few weeks! It is said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions--"been there, done that!"--well, the path to fit is not paved at all! It's full of pot-holes that are disguised as buffets, Mexican restaurants and fast-food places! Once I hit a pot-hole, I figured--oh,well! Just as soon hit them all! It's been a bumpy ride!
However, today I have done well in avoiding the pot-holes. I have made wise choices--baked, not fried--veggies, not junk--and no sugar, thank you very much. Tomorrow, I intend to do the same. Here's to smooth roads!
Getting the exercise I need has been even more of a challenge. The heat was oppressive so I didn't get out and walk. And my neck has been so stiff and sore, I don't want to move it.
I hear that weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. So until my neck feels better, I will concentrate on the 80%--trying to eat small portions of nutritious foods.
If I make it to Vigilance, where do I go from there? :)
Anyone out there with me? Let me know how your journey is going.