Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Less Candy

Hello, again.  It's been a while and so many good things and bad things have happened. But God uses them all to bring good out of all of it.
Of all the years I tried to lose weight thru diet and exercise, I never considered going vegan! I'm not really sure what vegan is--there are many different designations for vegetarians!  But, I have found that eating (or juicing) fruits and veggies works for me.  I'm not really giving up on meat or dairy--in fact, I had a banana split on the Fourth of July. My plan is to eat only fruit and vegetables when I am at home. When I go out, I may or may not have meat, dairy, dessert, etc. I am amazed at how easy it has been for me to get back to the veggies after a day or two of 'regular' eating.
I am also amazed at how good veggies taste without the dip or the frying. And I'm re-discovering my love of cooking. Inventing ways to use fruits and veggies together has been fun.
This is more than salads and soups. I'm roasting squash and eggplant and peppers, then blending up a sauce or pesto to add to them. Not every dish is a success, but none of them have been so bad I had to throw it out!
The proof is on the scale!  I've lost 10 pounds since May 8th and my Body Mass Index has decreased. I plan to have my cholesterol checked again soon. I'm hoping to be able to reduce my medication.
So--less medication and less Candy!  It has worked for 2 months. Here's hoping I can keep it up.

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