Sunday, September 16, 2012

Anyone out there?

Here I am again. Where are you?  It occurred to me recently that I sometimes go weeks without talking to anyone besides my hubby (and he doesn't talk much). So I'm gonna try to reach out and touch someone thru blogging---again!
Several things on my mind these days and it seems when I knit (yea, I've been knitting lately--all my daughter's fault) I think and then desire to have some feed back on my thoughts. Did I tell you my husband doesn't talk much?  So tell me what you think of what I think--please.
 Knitting--it's fun, but I want a craft that doesn't require weeks to complete.  Even on my 'masterpiece' paintings, I'm only willing to put in 6 to 8 hours. BTW, you can see some of them on my website
Exercise--walking and/or running hurt my knee these days. The doc says it's arthritis, but I'm thinking there is a tendon or cartilage issue because of the location of the pain. So I haven't been doing any "exercise", however I have been working and active lately as hubby and I are renovating a cabin by the lake.  Does painting, hauling, cleaning, digging, etc count as exercise?
Dieting--I KNOW my problem is sweets and fried foods.  I KNOW I should take sugar and animal fat out of my diet. Of course, I use the excuse of not having a real kitchen (we are living in our motor coach) to buy fast food. have heard it all before. I just need to put into practice what I KNOW! That reminds me of the verse that says "Be ye DOERS of the word and not hearers only." It is not enough to KNOW--we have to DO!
Make-up--my skin has the appearance of a desert landscape these days.  Someone told me that the blood pressure meds I'm taking will do that. :( I've never been one to wear lots of make-up--I sweat it away within minutes anyway. I want to be able to use cosmetics to make this 62-yer-old face look better. As I've never been 62 before, I have no idea where to start. And when you go to the cosmetics counter, you find lovely, 20-somethings who know how to apply false eyelashes and beauty spots. I need a 70-something former model who knows how to make me look good for my age!
Are you tired of reading my complaints?  Sorry--I'm going back to knitting now.  :)  Watch for pictures of my finished object.