Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Beginning again---again!

NO COMMITMENT! That has been my biggest problem in the past 4 months.  Today, I begin again. Had we been counting, I bet my number of 'beginnings' is greater than yours!  Seems I'm a winner at failing!  Now if I can only become a winner at losing...weight, that is.
This is not about appearance. This is not about what the doctors say I must do. This is about getting up off the couch without struggling. This is about being able to pick up my grandkids, bags of groceries, and boxes of Christmas ornaments. This is about being strong enough to do the things I love to do...paint, cook, decorate, take pictures, etc.
While I am growing older (you are, too, by the way), I don't need to grow frail. My muscles will never be what they were when I was in my 20s. In fact, according to a leading researcher at the Mayo Clinic, muscle mass, muscle strength and endurance begin to decline in our 30s and there is a rapid decline in our 60s. http://discoverysedge.mayo.edu/wasting_disease/index.cfm
But, rather than sliding down that muscle decline hill, I am going to grab hold of and try to maintain as much muscle as possible. I want to be able to move under my own power for as long as possible. Strong muscles will help me to do that.
AND, I plan to eat whatever will help me lose fat and strengthen muscles.
I don't know if my determination--my commitment--will last a week or a month or if it will fizzle this afternoon, but I'm going to try again anyway. Making a commitment to be a better me doesn't cost anything. Not making that commitment could cost me my health.